The Ruth Rubin Legacy
Archive of Yiddish Folksongs

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A shnayder bin ikh oykhet


A shnayder bin ikh oykhet




(work song)


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“A shnayder bin ikh oykhet,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hob ikh mir a shpan


Hob ikh mir a shpan




(work song)


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“Hob ikh mir a shpan,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Vi azoy s’iz nisht git tsi geyn


Vi azoy s’iz nisht git tsi geyn




(work song)


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“Vi azoy s’iz nisht git tsi geyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Der himl fartsornt


Der himl fartsornt




[note from RG 620 black book Literary origin?]


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“Der himl fartsornt,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Feygelekh sheyninke


Feygelekh sheyninke




[note from RG 620 black book Literary origin?]


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“Feygelekh sheyninke,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Min hameytser


Min hameytser




[note from RG 620 black book Popular song?]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“Min hameytser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oyf dem beys-oylem


Oyf dem beys-oylem




[note from LOC tape log song about a dead mother and her orphaned child]


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“Oyf dem beys-oylem,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Vi s’iz gekimen di heylike teg


Vi s’iz gekimen di heylike teg




[note from LOC tape log similar theme {to track 7, “Of dem beys oylem”, song about a dead mother and her orphaned child}]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Vi s’iz gekimen di heylike teg,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In droysn geyt a regn


In droysn geyt a regn




[note from RG 620 black book work song]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In droysn geyt a regn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mit a nodl, on a nodl


Mit a nodl, on a nodl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mit a nodl, on a nodl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kayn Kotsk fort men nisht


Kayn Kotsk fort men nisht




(Chassidic song which Dr. Stupp learned from a delegate from Mexico, aon the ship returning from the Zionist Congress, held in Italy in 1946)


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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kayn Kotsk fort men nisht,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Reb Nakhman Bratslev hot geheysn


Reb Nakhman Bratslev hot geheysn




[note from RG 620 black book Chassidic-modern]


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“Reb Nakhman Bratslev hot geheysn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Volt ikh gehat gilderne fligl


Volt ikh gehat gilderne fligl




[note from RG 620 black book Chassidic] (first phrase was unfortunately cut off)


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“Volt ikh gehat gilderne fligl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Er zol zayn a beyter far zayne khsidim


Er zol zayn a beyter far zayne khsidim




[note from RG 620 black book Anti-Chassidic song, obviously written by a Maskil]


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“Er zol zayn a beyter far zayne khsidim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ver hot geshribn dem pagerey?


Ver hot geshribn dem pagerey?




[Note in typewritten tape log in box]: Parody on Itzik Manger’s “Rabeynu Tam,” sung by a Chilean, visiting here. Sung at a house party. [of several men and women with fine singing voices who join in the chorus and parts of the verses and are having a merry time!]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ver hot geshribn dem pagerey?,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mayse mit a khelemer keyser in goldene shikh


A mayse mit a khelemer keyser in goldene shikh




[Error in tape log. This is correct title of second track listened to on 7/16/12] The Chelmers once had a king, but he couldn’t receive honor, because no one knew who he was: he wore regular leather shoes. The Chelmers met and decided that the king should wear golden shoes
all the women of the town donated their jewelry and the goldsmith made golden shoes out of it. But there was a great mud, and the golden shoes were covered in it
so the king couldn’t receive the honor due him. Another meeting. The Chelmers decided to have the shoemaker make leather shoes the king could wear over his golden ones. But then - the gold didn’t shine out so the king couldn’t receive the honor due him. Another meeting. Have the shoemaker make holes on all sides of the shoes so that the gold would shine through. Except that the holes let in the mud, and the golden shoes were covered in it
so the king couldn’t receive the honor due him. Another meeting. Stop up the holes with straw. Except that the straw obscured the golden shoes, too
so the king couldn’t receive the honor due him. Another meeting. Decided it was that the king should carry the golden shoes - holding them out in front of everyone - so everyone knew he was king - and walk with leather ones. Then everyone knew he was king and could give him the honor he was due. [Sound problem on one track: bleed from reverse side?]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“A mayse mit a khelemer keyser in goldene shikh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A maysele mi a briderl mit a shvesterl


A maysele mi a briderl mit a shvesterl




in 3/4 meter. Moshe & Sorele’s mother went to the market, but didn’t come back right away. The children went into the forest and got lost. A big, black bear suddenly approached and asked them what are you doing here in the forest? Aren’t you afraid that I’m going to eat you up? They said, dear bear, don’t touch us, our mother will reward you with a cookie with poppy seeds. The bear went away, but the children remained. A wolf suddenly appeared - it had sharp teeth. It asked them what are you doing here in the forest? Aren’t you afraid that I’m going to eat you up? They said, dear wolf, don’t touch us, our mother will reward you with a cookie with poppy seeds. The wolf went away, but the children remained. A storm came up in the woods. The children cried - oh dear mother, we don’t want to be alone. An angel suddenly arrived and accompanied them home. [Error in typewritten tape log inside box. This is correct title of track 3 as listened to on 7/16/12.]


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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A maysele mi a briderl mit a shvesterl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed February 8, 2025,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer