The Ruth Rubin Legacy
Archive of Yiddish Folksongs

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Children's World


Children's World


"From earliest infancy the Jewish child in the Pale heard singing and chanting, humming and intoning. In the home, in the back yard, in the narrow village street, in the cheder, in the synagogue, at the Shabbath table, during holidays, the children created rhymes, play songs, ditties, riddles, nonsense songs, even satirical rhymes. Despite the difficult surroundings and the multiple restrictions imposed upon the child by his adult environment, these songs are very numerous and reflect the many facets of its own brief, intense life in the children's world of fantasy and play, as well as some of the aspects of the grown-up world around him." (Ruth Rubin, Voices of a People, 1974, 1979, 2000, p. 45).


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Rut hot getrogn a kan vaser


Rut hot getrogn a kan vaser


Kinder lid [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rut hot getrogn a kan vaser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ot azoy, azoy zeyt der landsman


Ot azoy, azoy zeyt der landsman




[Spoken introduction by informant:


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“Ot azoy, azoy zeyt der landsman,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Undzer lid iz ful mit troyer -- Yugnt himen


Undzer lid iz ful mit troyer -- Yugnt himen




[Spoken introduction by informant explaining that children learned this song in the Vilna ghetto and adults began to sing it in the ghetto, in German camps, and in every place where Jews were. Unidenitified whistler in background; probably Ruth Rubin. Informant identifies composer as Basye Rubin, from Vilna, who he says wrote it before World War Two and asked him to write a lyric, which he did.


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“Undzer lid iz ful mit troyer -- Yugnt himen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns, tsvey, o


Eyns, tsvey, o




[Spoken introduction by informant, & note in tape log:] A kinder tseylenish [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]


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“Eyns, tsvey, o,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ani helakhti baderekh


Ani helakhti baderekh




[Handwritten Yiddish note on tape log:] Kinder tseylenish Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.] [Translation: I was walking in the road]


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“Ani helakhti baderekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ab a foter


Ab a foter




[Handwritten Yiddish note on tape log:] [illegible ?? ] yinglekh lid [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“Ab a foter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sorele dushinke -- Soyeye dushinte


Sorele dushinke -- Soyeye dushinte




[Spoken introduction by informant, explaining that he’s singing a grown-up song first in baby-talk, then as an adult would sing it. Title written twice on tape log: once in baby-talk, then rewritten.]
[Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]


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“Sorele dushinke -- Soyeye dushinte,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A yuks a puks


A yuks a puks




[Handwritten Yiddish note on tape log: Iberbetn] [Handwritten note on outside of tape box:] Interview (song recall) with Sh. Kacerginsky, [sic Kaczerginsky] Vilna Ghetto Partisan. [Tape log handwritten in Yiddish alef-beyz on 3 index cards.]


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“A yuks a puks,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele


Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele




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“Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele


Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele




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“Shlof-zhe mayn tayerer zunele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hostu gehert a mayse


Hostu gehert a mayse




{Note from tape log inside box:] Fragment.


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“Hostu gehert a mayse,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] Tom Thumb. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in English, including a dedication:] Dedicated to all the grandmothers who rocked the cradles, and told the tales, when Mother was away earning the livelihood.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“Bebele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mayse mit a bobitskele mit khayelekh


A mayse mit a bobitskele mit khayelekh




[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] The musicians of Bremen. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in Engleish, including a dedication:] Dedicated to all the grandmothers who rocked the cradles, and told the tales, when Mother was away earning the livelihood.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“A mayse mit a bobitskele mit khayelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mayse fun an oreman un a raykhn bruder


A mayse fun an oreman un a raykhn bruder




[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in yiddish alef-beys. Note in English:] Ali Baba and the forty thieves. [Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in English, including a dedication:] Dedicated to all the grandmothers who rocked the cradles, and told the tales, when Mother was away earning the livelihood.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A mayse fun an oreman un a raykhn bruder,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A maysele mit a bobetske mit a sakh kinderlekh


A maysele mit a bobetske mit a sakh kinderlekh




[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in Yiddish alef-beys, somewhat illegible.Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in English, including a dedication:] Dedicated to all the grandmothers who rocked the cradles, and told the tales, when Mother was away earning the livelihood.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“A maysele mit a bobetske mit a sakh kinderlekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Folktale: Der royfe un der shuster


Folktale: Der royfe un der shuster




[Folk tale read aloud by Ruth Rubin. Source: J. L. Cohen, Folks mayses. Title handwritten in tape log in Yiddish alef-beys, illegible. Tape box also contains handwritten Yiddish text in composition book from Fordham University, with notes in Engleish, including a dedication:] Dedicated to all the grandmothers who rocked the cradles, and told the tales, when Mother was away earning the livelihood.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Folktale: Der royfe un der shuster,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sorele dushinke


Sorele dushinke




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] Sung first in gibberish, then in Yiddish clearly... My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sorele dushinke,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyle toydes Noyekh


Eyle toydes Noyekh




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyle toydes Noyekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Untern keyzers fenster


Untern keyzers fenster




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Untern keyzers fenster,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oyfn hoykhn barg


Oyfn hoykhn barg




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oyfn hoykhn barg,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz


Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz




[Oy rebe s’iz nito keyn keyz] [Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn


Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tote, tote, gey oyfn ben-zuker


Tote, tote, gey oyfn ben-zuker




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tote, tote, gey oyfn ben-zuker,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz


Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy rebe, s'iz nito kayn keyz,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns, eyns, u


Eyns, eyns, u




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyns, eyns, u,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A stolazh iz gegangen


A stolazh iz gegangen




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A stolazh iz gegangen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn


Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Moyshe merushe oyf yener velt


Moyshe merushe oyf yener velt




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Moyshe merushe oyf yener velt,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Laytishe mazoles


Laytishe mazoles




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Laytishe mazoles,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Di baleboste geyt arayn, hop dunay, dunay!


Di baleboste geyt arayn, hop dunay, dunay!




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Di baleboste geyt arayn, hop dunay, dunay!,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Vi es iz biter


Vi es iz biter




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Vi es iz biter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem tsi dr’erd


Shpits boydem tsi dr’erd




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem tsi dr’erd,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Yome, Yome zing mir a lidele


Yome, Yome zing mir a lidele




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Yome, Yome zing mir a lidele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hob ikh a por oksn


Hob ikh a por oksn




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hob ikh a por oksn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku


Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In a shtetele Pityepoy


In a shtetele Pityepoy




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In a shtetele Pityepoy,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eydl, eydl, yospe


Eydl, eydl, yospe




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eydl, eydl, yospe,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hop, tsik, tsak


Hop, tsik, tsak




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hop, tsik, tsak,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mitn fisele nokh a bisele


Mitn fisele nokh a bisele




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mitn fisele nokh a bisele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Feygele, feygele, pi pi pi


Feygele, feygele, pi pi pi




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Feygele, feygele, pi pi pi,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Patshe, patshe, kikhelekh


Patshe, patshe, kikhelekh




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Patshe, patshe, kikhelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Az der kleyner Moyshele


Az der kleyner Moyshele




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Az der kleyner Moyshele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Amol iz geven a babetske


Amol iz geven a babetske




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Amol iz geven a babetske,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Unter der brik


Unter der brik




[Tape 12 Song Number 27 was apparently left out of original handwritten tape log inside box cover & added later in typewritten catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook). Handwritten tape log has 31 total entries, missing this song. Typewritten catalog has 32 total entries, with this song added at bottom of list as Item 182: Song Number 27, after Item 181: Song number 31. ] [Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Unter der brik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Engele, bengele, loz mikh lebn


Engele, bengele, loz mikh lebn




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Engele, bengele, loz mikh lebn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tsigele, migele, kotinke


Tsigele, migele, kotinke




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tsigele, migele, kotinke,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Got, got, gib a regn


Got, got, gib a regn




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Got, got, gib a regn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ikh bin grin


Ikh bin grin




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory... I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ikh bin grin,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In a shtetele Pityepoy


In a shtetele Pityepoy




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box 12 for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In a shtetele Pityepoy,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyle toyldes noyekh


Eyle toyldes noyekh




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box 12 for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyle toyldes noyekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpiln mir in kestelekh


Shpiln mir in kestelekh




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box 12 for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpiln mir in kestelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mol iz geven a meydele


A mol iz geven a meydele




[Note from typewritten hardbound black catalog, RG 620:] B. Wasserman, age 6, & her mother Dora 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A mol iz geven a meydele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. Ms. Soyer in English, introduces slightly different version, thus two Yiddish versions. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kukeriku...Kukeriki...,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rebe s’iz nito keyn keyz


Rebe s’iz nito keyn keyz




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rebe s’iz nito keyn keyz,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mol iz geven a kleyn yingele


A mol iz geven a kleyn yingele




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. This song is similar to "Old MacDonald had a farm" - various animal sounds (meow, huf) are made, and repeated as each new animal is added. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A mol iz geven a kleyn yingele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A mol iz geven a meydele


A mol iz geven a meydele




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. Sorele (pretty) & Moshe (small)’s mother goes to the market and doesn’t come back right away... they go into the woods and get lost, meet big, black bear, says what are you doing in the woods, aren't you afraid? I'm going to eat you up. The children promise their mother's poppy cookie. Bear leaves, then came a wolf. Ditto to bear. There is a storm and they are crying. The singer adds another verse - an angel suddenly came & led them out of the woods. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A mol iz geven a meydele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shikt der har a poyerl in vald


Shikt der har a poyerl in vald




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. The har (nobleman) sends various objects and people to do harm - like a stick to beat the peasant, fire to burn the stick, water to quench the fire - but they don’t do what the har intends. (Each object gets added and repeats in backwards order.) Almost identical to #12, “Hot der hashem yisborekh aropgeshikt.” 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shikt der har a poyerl in vald,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy iz a foter


Oy iz a foter




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy iz a foter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Untern keyzers fenster


Untern keyzers fenster




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. Apparently the first part of the sentence is missing - or the conversation the singer is responding to. She says (in Yiddish) that 65 years ago, she went to kheyder with her brother 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Untern keyzers fenster,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hot der hashem yisborekh aropgeshikt


Hot der hashem yisborekh aropgeshikt




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. Song almost identical to #9, "Shikt der har a poyerl in vald" except the agent commanding is different. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hot der hashem yisborekh aropgeshikt,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tants, tants, tants


Tants, tants, tants




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box 12 for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. His mother or grandmother would sing this, taking the children by the hands 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tants, tants, tants,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Moyshe, koyshe


Moyshe, koyshe




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box 12 for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Moyshe, koyshe,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Lomir hern vos der fidl zogt


Lomir hern vos der fidl zogt




Fragmentary. [Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Lomir hern vos der fidl zogt,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rigele, rigele, roygez


Rigele, rigele, roygez




[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rigele, rigele, roygez,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Roti, roti, poldovay


Roti, roti, poldovay




She explains the game in English. Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. Ms. Michaels prefaces each section of the song with an English explanation. The children are in a circle, with hands cupped. One child stands into the center of the circle, and closes his/her eyes. Another child places a ring or other object iin the hands of a third child and all the children close their hands. The one in the center has to guess in whose hand the object is. “ vemens hant ligt dem goldenem fingerl” If s/he answers correctly another child goes into the center; if not the game repeats with the same child in center. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Roti, roti, poldovay,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Enge, benge, stupe, stenge


Enge, benge, stupe, stenge




Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. A fast, rhyming tongue twister! 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Enge, benge, stupe, stenge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydim on erd


Shpits boydim on erd




[Tape 13 Songs 19 & 20] These two were collected during a group session at a branch lbrary in New York City. Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:] My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants. 41842


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydim on erd,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ens tsvey dray


Ens tsvey dray




[Tape 13 Songs 19 & 20] These two were collected during a group session at a branch library in New York City [Bronx].

[Note from tape log on outside of tape box for the original, spliced tape, not included on the tape log of the dupe:]
My childhood in Montreal, Canada, is closely bound with my Yiddish education in a secular Jewish school. Many of these rhymes stem from that environment, as well as the one at home, where my Bessarabian-born mother, shared her own childhood memories of games and rhymes and taunts and teasers, with me. Blessed with a retentive memory...I later picked up many more from my informants.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ens tsvey dray,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem tsu dr’erd


Shpits boydem tsu dr’erd




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem tsu dr’erd,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Got, got gib a regn


Got, got gib a regn




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Got, got gib a regn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns, eyns, u


Eyns, eyns, u




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyns, eyns, u,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Pi, pi, pi


Pi, pi, pi




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Pi, pi, pi,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Patsh, patsh, kikhelekh


Patsh, patsh, kikhelekh




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Patsh, patsh, kikhelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Arsh, arsh, povoli


Arsh, arsh, povoli




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Arsh, arsh, povoli,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oyfn hoykhn barg


Oyfn hoykhn barg




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oyfn hoykhn barg,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Amol iz geven a maysele


Amol iz geven a maysele




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Amol iz geven a maysele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hey, hey, hemerl


Hey, hey, hemerl




[Note from tape log inside box:] From Dr. L. Axelbank’s wire recorder. The Axelbanks engaged in a memory session” which was taped on wire by their brother, who then passed some of it on to me. The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hey, hey, hemerl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn


Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn




[Note from tape log inside box:] Rochele’s parents are professional actors. Rochele often acts with them on stage. But this little song, in its older variant is done very traditionally by her. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape..


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eytl, beytl


Eytl, beytl




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eytl, beytl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ote, bote, bulevan


Ote, bote, bulevan




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ote, bote, bulevan,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem


Shpits boydem




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ikh bin grin


Ikh bin grin




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ikh bin grin,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kanvaser, veykhvaser


Kanvaser, veykhvaser




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kanvaser, veykhvaser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A gutn purim ale aykh


A gutn purim ale aykh




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A gutn purim ale aykh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Fun papir a hendele


Fun papir a hendele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Fun papir a hendele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Unika, dunika, lifali


Unika, dunika, lifali




[Ruth Rubin’s mother. Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Unika, dunika, lifali,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ose, kose, shlisalay


Ose, kose, shlisalay




[Ruth Rubin’s mother. Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ose, kose, shlisalay,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Itsik, shpitsik


Itsik, shpitsik




[Ruth Rubin’s mother. Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Itsik, shpitsik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In a shtetele pityepoy


In a shtetele pityepoy




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In a shtetele pityepoy,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ver koyft?


Ver koyft?




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ver koyft?,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kelbele, ma


Kelbele, ma




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kelbele, ma,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Bubi, bubi, laysele


Bubi, bubi, laysele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Bubi, bubi, laysele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Klayn yidele


Klayn yidele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Klayn yidele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Nisht geshloftn, nisht gavakht


Nisht geshloftn, nisht gavakht




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Nisht geshloftn, nisht gavakht,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In a kleynem shtibele


In a kleynem shtibele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In a kleynem shtibele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tsigele, migele, kotinke


Tsigele, migele, kotinke




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tsigele, migele, kotinke,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mikh ruft men Zalmen


Mikh ruft men Zalmen




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mikh ruft men Zalmen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Amol iz geven a mayse


Amol iz geven a mayse




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Amol iz geven a mayse,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A hun, a hon


A hun, a hon




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A hun, a hon,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A shtekele arayn


A shtekele arayn




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A shtekele arayn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Amol iz geven a meydele


Amol iz geven a meydele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Amol iz geven a meydele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyndl, beyndl


Eyndl, beyndl




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyndl, beyndl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Enge, benge


Enge, benge




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Enge, benge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns, tsvey, dray


Eyns, tsvey, dray




[Note from tape log inside box] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyns, tsvey, dray,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Engele, bengele


Engele, bengele




[Note from tape log inside box:] The Children’s World embraces all manner of rhymes, taunts, and teasers, game songs, tales, etc. Where the singer is old, lapse of memory is evident and often several rhymes are combined. My own absorption with this material is also evident and “my mother’s childhood” has become fused with my own, plus, the material which “passed through my hands” (and memory) through my many informants. 41890 Both Ruth Rubin and LOC tapes were digitized. The Ruth Rubin tape is missing some tracks, and when individual tracks were made on 10/2/14 the LOC tape was used. The LOC tape has 37 tracks and Ruth Rubin tape 32. Catalog has been updated to reflect LOC tape and not Ruth Rubin tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Engele, bengele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shvimt a meser


Shvimt a meser




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shvimt a meser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Dray soldatn


Dray soldatn




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Dray soldatn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eynerike, beynerike


Eynerike, beynerike




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eynerike, beynerike,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ende, pende


Ende, pende




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ende, pende,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns, tsvey


Eyns, tsvey




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyns, tsvey,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyns - a miling


Eyns - a miling




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyns - a miling,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyne kleyne vayse taybl


Eyne kleyne vayse taybl




[Note from LOC catalog] Counting-out rhyme 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These 7 songs reflect the LOC tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyne kleyne vayse taybl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ona, dona, lifali


Ona, dona, lifali




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog(R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Counting-out rhyme, from Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ona, dona, lifali,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A rod in arinyen


A rod in arinyen




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Ring game. From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A rod in arinyen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A zun mit a regn


A zun mit a regn




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Ring game. From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A zun mit a regn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Got, got, gib a regn


Got, got, gib a regn




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Skipping rhyme. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Got, got, gib a regn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Itsik, shpitsik


Itsik, shpitsik




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Itsik, shpitsik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mamelige, mamelay


Mamelige, mamelay




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mamelige, mamelay,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ose, kose, shlisalay


Ose, kose, shlisalay




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ose, kose, shlisalay,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayim balabayim


Khayim balabayim




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. From friend b. White Russia. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayim balabayim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayemets mit di kets


Khayemets mit di kets




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. From friend b. White Russia. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayemets mit di kets,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Iger, miger


Iger, miger




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Skipping song. From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Iger, miger,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Ring game. From friend b. Poland. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kanvaser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Piggy-back rhyme. From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hoptshik-tshak,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hey, hey, hemerl


Hey, hey, hemerl




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Cat-and-mouse game. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hey, hey, hemerl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hey, hey, gib mir tey


Hey, hey, gib mir tey




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Skipping song. From friend b. White Russia. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hey, hey, gib mir tey,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rigele, rigele, roygez


Rigele, rigele, roygez




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rigele, rigele, roygez,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eytekh, beytekh


Eytekh, beytekh




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eytekh, beytekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyle, meyle, Yoshke


Eyle, meyle, Yoshke




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Finger game. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyle, meyle, Yoshke,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eydl, eydl, yospe


Eydl, eydl, yospe




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Finger game. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eydl, eydl, yospe,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Babetse, babetse


Babetse, babetse




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Babetse, babetse,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oyf vos shteystu?


Oyf vos shteystu?




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oyf vos shteystu?,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn


Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kalenyu, kalenyu, veyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy, di berl


Oy, di berl




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunting song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy, di berl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sheyn bistu


Sheyn bistu




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Taunt. From Polish friend. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sheyn bistu,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hon, hon, royter hon


Hon, hon, royter hon




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Skipping song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hon, hon, royter hon,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khaver, khaver


Khaver, khaver




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khaver, khaver,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A yuks, a fuks


A yuks, a fuks




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] From friend b. Lithuania. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A yuks, a fuks,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eytekh, beytekh


Eytekh, beytekh




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] From Mother. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eytekh, beytekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Treti, treti, treti


Treti, treti, treti




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Ring game song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Treti, treti, treti,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shikt der har a poyerl in vald


Shikt der har a poyerl in vald




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Cumulative game song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shikt der har a poyerl in vald,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Funem sheynem vortsl aroys


Funem sheynem vortsl aroys




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Cumulative game song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Funem sheynem vortsl aroys,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

In a kleynem shtibele


In a kleynem shtibele




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Ring activity game song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“In a kleynem shtibele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hob ikh a por oksn


Hob ikh a por oksn




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Cumulative song. Activity game. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hob ikh a por oksn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku


Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Activity song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hob ikh mir a kleynem Mikhalku,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] “Swing around.” In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kanvaser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tsen brider zenen mir gevezn


Tsen brider zenen mir gevezn




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Cumulative song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tsen brider zenen mir gevezn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Hotsmakh iz a blinder


Hotsmakh iz a blinder




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] “Blind mans buff.” In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Hotsmakh iz a blinder,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Bobele, vu geystu?


Bobele, vu geystu?




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Bobele, vu geystu?,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Bobele, bobele, vifl kinderlekh hostu?


Bobele, bobele, vifl kinderlekh hostu?




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Bobele, bobele, vifl kinderlekh hostu?,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Gloz, gloz, gloz


Gloz, gloz, gloz




[Note from Ruth Rubin’s typed catalog (R6620, black hard-bound notebook):] Waltzing song. In 1957 I came across an old notebook with children’s rhymes and games, which I had collected before I had a tape recorder. These were taped a good deal from memory and the notebook. 41897 two different editions of the tape, Our (YIVO) tape has 39 tracks and the Library of Congress edition has 46 songs. These records are for YIVO edition of the tape. The LOC tape was the one digitized.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Gloz, gloz, gloz,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shvimt a meser


Shvimt a meser




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shvimt a meser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpiln mir in kestelekh


Shpiln mir in kestelekh




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpiln mir in kestelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn


Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy, di berl


Oy, di berl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy, di berl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tsindts on lekht


Tsindts on lekht




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tsindts on lekht,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Unter der brik


Unter der brik




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Unter der brik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Uter, tuter


Uter, tuter




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Uter, tuter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Belfer, gehelfer


Belfer, gehelfer




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Belfer, gehelfer,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy dem rebns spodik brent


Oy dem rebns spodik brent




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy dem rebns spodik brent,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Itsik shpitsik


Itsik shpitsik




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Itsik shpitsik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Koyf lekekh


Koyf lekekh




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Koyf lekekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khamer-eyzl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Dos fingerl brengt hots


Dos fingerl brengt hots




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Dos fingerl brengt hots,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Koymenkerer, vasersherer


Koymenkerer, vasersherer




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Koymenkerer, vasersherer,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd


Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

S’kumt shabes hagodl


S’kumt shabes hagodl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“S’kumt shabes hagodl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy a foterl, toy otets


Oy a foterl, toy otets




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy a foterl, toy otets,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyndl beyndl


Eyndl beyndl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyndl beyndl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Enge benge


Enge benge




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Enge benge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Vi di hener kloybn shpener


Vi di hener kloybn shpener




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Vi di hener kloybn shpener,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ovinu foter


Ovinu foter




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Stonehill’s tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ovinu foter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayim balabayim


Khayim balabayim




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayim balabayim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayimets mit di kets


Khayimets mit di kets




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayimets mit di kets,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge


Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Bay dem shtetl


Bay dem shtetl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Bay dem shtetl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Iz gekumen di kozele


Iz gekumen di kozele




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Iz gekumen di kozele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh


A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyndl beyndl


Eyndl beyndl




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyndl beyndl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rot, rot, pulevoy


Rot, rot, pulevoy




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rot, rot, pulevoy,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mayn tate heyst Efroyim


Mayn tate heyst Efroyim




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mayn tate heyst Efroyim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kar, kar, voronar


Kar, kar, voronar




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kar, kar, voronar,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rigele, rigele, roygez


Rigele, rigele, roygez




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rigele, rigele, roygez,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A rod in arinyen


A rod in arinyen




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A rod in arinyen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shvimt a meser


Shvimt a meser




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shvimt a meser,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpiln mir in kestelekh


Shpiln mir in kestelekh




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpiln mir in kestelekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn


Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Sheyn bin ikh, sheyn,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy, di berl


Oy, di berl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy, di berl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Tsindts on lekht


Tsindts on lekht




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Tsindts on lekht,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Unter der brik


Unter der brik




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Unter der brik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Uter, tuter


Uter, tuter




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Uter, tuter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Belfer, gehelfer


Belfer, gehelfer




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Belfer, gehelfer,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy dem rebns spodik brent


Oy dem rebns spodik brent




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy dem rebns spodik brent,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Itsik shpitsik


Itsik shpitsik




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Itsik shpitsik,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Koyf lekekh


Koyf lekekh




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Koyf lekekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer







YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khamer-eyzl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Dos fingerl brengt hots


Dos fingerl brengt hots




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Dos fingerl brengt hots,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Koymenkerer, vasersherer


Koymenkerer, vasersherer




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Koymenkerer, vasersherer,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd


Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem oyf dr’erd,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

S’kumt shabes hagodl


S’kumt shabes hagodl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“S’kumt shabes hagodl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Oy a foterl, toy otets


Oy a foterl, toy otets




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Oy a foterl, toy otets,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyndl beyndl


Eyndl beyndl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Eyndl beyndl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Enge benge


Enge benge




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Enge benge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Vi di hener kloybn shpener


Vi di hener kloybn shpener




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Vi di hener kloybn shpener,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ovinu foter


Ovinu foter




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Stonehill’s tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ovinu foter,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayim balabayim


Khayim balabayim




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayim balabayim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Khayimets mit di kets


Khayimets mit di kets




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Khayimets mit di kets,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge


Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ay, bin ikh mir ayn yunge,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Bay dem shtetl


Bay dem shtetl




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Bay dem shtetl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Iz gekumen di kozele


Iz gekumen di kozele




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Iz gekumen di kozele,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh


A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

The materials on this web site may be used for personal, research and educational purposes only. Publication (including posting on the Internet and online exhibitions) or any other use without prior authorization is prohibited. Please visit for more information about use of materials from this website.

YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A sheyne meydl bin ikh dokh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Eyndl beyndl


Eyndl beyndl




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


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“Eyndl beyndl,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rot, rot, pulevoy


Rot, rot, pulevoy




[Note on typewritten tape log in box:] From Allan Warshawsky’ tape.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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“Rot, rot, pulevoy,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Mayn tate heyst Efroyim


Mayn tate heyst Efroyim




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Mayn tate heyst Efroyim,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Kar, kar, voronar


Kar, kar, voronar




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Kar, kar, voronar,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Rigele, rigele, roygez


Rigele, rigele, roygez




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Rigele, rigele, roygez,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

A rod in arinyen


A rod in arinyen




[Ruth Rubin’s mother.]


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“A rod in arinyen,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem


Shpits boydem




Conversation on Yiddish accents, dialects, etc. follows with Daniel Lipkovitsh and Sholem and Yehudis Wasilewsky.


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Giter Pirim alekh


Giter Pirim alekh




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Giter Pirim alekh,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Shpits boydem


Shpits boydem




YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Shpits boydem,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer

Ana Maryana


Ana Maryana






[Note from Ruth Rubin tape box log] (Dancing children’s ring game) [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk and authored) he recalled from his childhood and youth in Warsaw. As he remembered them, he sang them. They are listed in the order of their occurrence on the tape. (taped 1964-1966)


YIVO owns the compilation of content that is posted on this website, which consists of text, images, and/or audio, and video. However, YIVO does not necessarily own each component of the compilation. Some content is in the public domain and some content is protected by third party rights. It is the user's obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other use restrictions when publishing or otherwise distributing materials found in YIVO websites.

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YIVO has employed due diligence in seeking to identify copyright holders of the materials in this compilation. We invite any copyright owners who are not properly identified to contact us at


“Ana Maryana,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed September 9, 2024,
Submit a transcription, translation or additional information on the song or the performer