Shaul Goldman
Educator, Labor Leader, Bundist, Bialystoker

Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library, 1928

RG 28 F 20 Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library 1928.JPG


Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library, 1928




Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library, 1928


Report on the Sholem-Aleichem Library in Bialystok for the year 1928. 1361 subscribers, 51.4% men and 48.6% women; besides Jews there are also 54 Poles, 12 Russians, and one German! 51.8% are students, 38.5% are workers and professionals, 1.6% are merchants and craftsmen, and 8.1% are unemployed or have no profession. 89,031 books were borrowed, of these 55.2% in Polish, 36.7% in Yiddish, 3.8% in Russian, 2.7% in Hebrew, and 1.6% in other languages. The books are 90.6% fiction and 9.4% science. The students read more Polish, the workers read more Yiddish. Since 1919 (presumably, the first year of the library), the number of books borrowed has climbed from 12,505 to 89,031, and the total number of books in the collection has grown from 1396 to 30,491, of which 10,732 are in Yiddish, 9,663 in Russian, 6,016 in Polish, 1953 in German, and 1761 in Hebrew.


RG 28 F 20 Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library 1928




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“Annual report of Sholem Aleichem Library, 1928,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 10, 2025,
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