The Strashun Library of Vilna
Rescued from the Ashes

Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.)

Istanbul 1525.jpg


Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.)




Rabbinical Commentaries
Jews -- Spain
Strashun Library


Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.) Supercommentaries to Rashi’s Commentary on the Pentateuch by Shemuel Almosnino, Ya’akov Kanizal, Aharon Abulrabi, Moshe Albelda et al. Istanbul (Constantinople), ca. 1525.

This extremely rare work consists primarily of four supercommentaries on Rashi's Torah commentary by Aharon Abulrabi (Abu al Rabi), Shmuel Almosnino, Ya’akov Kanizal, and Moshe Albelda, as well as brief passages by several other commentators. Abulrabi (c.1376- c.1430) was a Sicilian of Spanish origin, whose commentaries reveal a facility in grammar, astronomy, philosophy, and mysticism. Almosnino (d. 1551) served as a rabbi in Salonika during the sixteenth century. Less is known of Abelda (d. 1549), who is often confused with his similarly named, more prominent grandson. Lastly, Canizal served as the head of the Talmudic Academy in Avila de Campos in Northwestern Spain at the time of the expulsion, but remains best known for the commentary printed here.


Almosnino, Shemuel
Kanizal, Ya'akov
Abulrabi, Aharon


YIVO Library


YIVO Institute for Jewish Research






Istanbul 1525


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Almosnino, Shemuel, Kanizal, Ya'akov, and Abulrabi, Aharon, “Perushim le-Rashi (Sefer Kanizal.),” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 6, 2025,
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