YIVO Online Exhibitions

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ellis Island Committee of HIAS and The Jewish Immigration Committee

RG 245.4.1 - Box 1 - Folder 2 - Ellis Island Meeting -  June 28 1909 - 1.jpg
RG 245.4.1 - Box 1 - Folder 2 - Ellis Island Meeting -  June 28 1909 - 2.jpg


Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ellis Island Committee of HIAS and The Jewish Immigration Committee


July 28, 1909


Ellis Island - Deportation of Immigrants
Industrial Removal Office


Minutes of an emergency meeting of the Ellis Island Committee of HIAS and The Jewish Immigration Committee, New York, to discuss the plight of 17 Jewish men detained on Ellis Island and threatened with deportation because they arrived without sufficient funds, despite the fact that they were able-bodied and unlikely to become public charges. The board members also discussed the miserable conditions of the detention facilities, which were particularly bad in hot weather. They cited one instance in which a man who arrived with his family during a heat wave became so distraught that "he was taken for a maniac and placed in the Hospital for observation."




YIVO Archives


YIVO Institute for Jewish Research






Meeting Minutes


YIVO RG 245.4.1 - Box 1 - 1


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HIAS, “Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Ellis Island Committee of HIAS and The Jewish Immigration Committee,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruthrubin.yivo.org/items/show/6375.
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