YIVO Online Exhibitions


Di grine kuzine (The Greenhorn Cousin)


February 1922


Yiddish Theater Music
Immigrants, American Jewish


Abraham Moskowitz with unknown clarinetist, Abe Schwartz, violin and Sylvia Schwartz, piano
Columbia E7553 mx. 88738-5; Recorded in NY
Yiddish theater song that became one of the best-known songs satirizing the difficulties of the Jewish immigrant experience in New York:

My cousin came to me here
As beautiful as gold she was, the greenhorn
With cheeks like red oranges
And feet just begging to dance.

She skipped instead of walking;
she sang instead of speaking.
Happy and merry was her demeanor.
That's the way my cousin was.

I went in to my "next-doorke"
Who had a millinery "storke"
And got job for my cousin--
Long live the golden land!

Years have passed since then.
My cousin has become a wreck
Many "paydays" have gone by
And there is nothing left of what she was.

Under her beautiful blue eyes
Black bags have drawn a line
Her cheeks, the red oranges
Have "greened out" entirely.

These days, when I meet my cousin
And I ask her, "How are you, Greenhorn?"
She answers me with a crooked smile:
"May Columbus's land burn to the ground!"


Prizant , Hyman
Schwartz, Abe


Max and Frieda Weinstein Archive of YIVO Sound Recordings


YIVO Institute for Jewish Research






Vinyl Recording


YIVO Sound Recordings - 1


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Prizant , Hyman and Schwartz, Abe, “Di grine kuzine (The Greenhorn Cousin),” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 10, 2025, https://ruthrubin.yivo.org/items/show/6338.
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